Custom ATM Enclosures made from red oak or maple plywood and solid edge banding.



Our standard "slide over" enclosure in red oak. This design allows for digital insert above the ATM that is trimmed out like a picture frame.

This Oak indoor enclosure with Oak hardwood edgebanding instead of the typical "iron on" edge banding is designed and finished to look like furniture you would see at the high end stores. Pictured is stained with Walnut, one coat of sanding sealer and two coats of laquer. Inside the front bottom is reinforced with L brackets to ensure many years of service. Pictured is the new Genmega G3000 Onyx with E-Lock and 1,000 note removable cassette. Unfinished Enclosure $845.00, Painted $945.00 and Stained Enclosure $795.00. Plastic laminate with standard colors on all cabinet style door starts at $1,995.00 and up. You can add a picture box and/or handle at no extra charge. LOCAL PICKUP ONLY.


The custom enclosure that full encompasses the ATM in a beautiful laminated cabinet is for higher end locations like the larger hotels.  Custom laminate enclosure with the new Hyosung MX2800 Force ATM. The front folds down to floor to access the vault. Prices start at $1,995.00 and up depending on what you would actually want.


Painted enclosure to match wall covering. Pictured is a Genmega G2500. Unpaited for $845.00, painted for $945.00


ATM Houston is offerring a free reprogram to all merchants and independent IAD's to move your ATM's over to ATM Houston ISO.  For IAD's with a significant portfolio, we will give you 100% of the interchange with a great buy rate for ATM processing.  ATM Houston has been in the ATM business for over 16 years.  This business was started with just one ATM so we know how to build and grow a portfolio and can help you do the same.  The philosophy of ATM Houston is simple:  Provide the best service at at a fair price!  We support all Genmega, Hyosung, Hantle ATM's.  We do not support Puloon ATM's.  Triton parts are too expensive and we still can't figure out how Puloon is still selling ATM's in 2023 in the USA.

Don't forget to look at for all of your parts, supplies and accessories needs.